This article will focus on the investments in the Internet, namely, how to buy / invest in income-generating site. Consider the most important moments - from site selection search the Internet project, the strategy of an auction to a safe method of transferring rights to the site and money.

Where can I buy the site
At the moment there are a few ways to find a good web design for their money:

1. Various SEO-forums - a forum where webmasters communicate. Typically, in such forums, there are special sections with the themes for the sale of sites with varying degrees of profitability, value and quality. Usually the quality of 90 - 95% of all sites for sale leaves much to be desired - sold some satellites (auxiliary sites, assisting in the promotion of the main site, a particular product, company or service) and pseudo-SOM (sites for people). Really something interesting and newsworthy put up for sale very often, but still this happens, and if the monitor and the monitor forums, you can find a very promising object for their money, who can recoup itself, for example, for 1 -2 s.

2. Exchange sites. Convenient because they can find financial information about the site without direct contact with the owner (or owners). Also exchanges, providing brokerage services in transactions, reduces the risk of sale of projects with a secure transaction service.

3. Direct contact with the owner of the site. With the right approach - it is quite an effective way of finding sites for sale. The main essence of this method lies in the search of the site and correspondence with the owner about a possible purchase.

4. Create your individual agency. In this case, you must have a considerable amount of money and the experience of past purchases. Is a website where all the conditions listed in detail on the purchase (redemption) sites customers (third parties). This site is usually moving at the request of "selling the site", "where to sell the site", "exchange sites" and so forth. In search engines or advertised on seo-thematic forums. Ultimately, you can build a successful business on the internet for sites purchased monetization.

Choosing a site for investment of money

Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to the traffic and quality.
Do not take into account the income from sales (trade) references the previous owner of the site.
It is necessary to assess the resource intensity of the site, that is, how much personal time, effort and money can go to the project before the release of his self-sufficiency and full autonomy.
It should correctly assess the potential site, but this skill comes with experience. You must pre-clear idea how you will develop the project after purchase.
How to properly assess the site. What to look for when evaluating a site

The value of the domain. In this case, it means the memorability, readability, conciseness, and so on.
Design and technical equipment of the site.
Number of visitors and the quality of traffic. How many people per day visited the site, where they come from, which keywords, etc., do not forget about the quality of the traffic, which was mentioned above.
The presence of a captive audience, readers (group of social networks, etc.).
The high cost of the selected topic.
The number of competitors.
Current profit. Rate the total income and net profit, which brings the site at the moment.
Unique and special. There are sites that, despite the ordinariness of subjects, have some of their chips and features stand out from competitors.
How to buy site. The process of buying a site
A set of rules that can be used when buying a site:

The correct transfer of the domain is its re-registration to the new owner. It is necessary to require the seller that he completely fulfilled all its obligations to you, only then you can pay the full amount.
Pre-register on the site domain registrar and take care of the presence of all other relevant accounts. This is to ensure that the order not to delay the transfer of funds and sites.
The whole amount of money which will go to the purchase of the site should you have on hand (available immediately). If you start to unravel in money matters, not the fact that the seller will behave appropriately in other operations for the sale and transfer of the site.
Negotiate with the seller all the details of the transaction in advance and do not depart from the agreed transmission scheme.
Summing up, we can say that investing money in Internet projects - buying, investing money in the sites - is a complex process in which there are also some risks, as well as for investments in any other assets, such as equity investments, investments in precious metals, investing money in real estate and so on., and tell all the subtleties and nuances of the same article is extremely difficult. So, thanks to your questions and comments, you can easily supplement this article.